



 England, in the year 1215, 英格兰,时值 1215 年, had been under the reign of King John for 16 years. 约翰国王统治下的第 16 个年头。

 The most villainous of England"s monarchs, 约翰是英格兰史上最为 John was renowned for losing wars with France, 恶名昭著的君主,对外屡败于法国, levying punitive taxes, 对内横征暴敛, and sleeping with the wives of barons. 奸♥淫♥贵族妻室。

 The barons finally rebelled against their king, 诸贵族忍♥无可忍♥,终于举兵向阙, and became locked in a bloody civil war 挑起一场血腥的内战, lasting for over three years

 and decimating both armies. 你争我斗长达三年之久,最后两败俱伤。

 In time, the Knights Templar were drawn into this conflict. 当时,圣殿骑士团也卷入这场冲突。

 With the help of these highly trained warrior monks, 在这群武艺超群的僧侣骑士们的帮助下, King John and his royal army were eventually defeated. 约翰王和王室军队终于被击败。

 It was agreed that John could remain on the throne, 双方商定,约翰可以保住王位, on one condition - 但有一个条件—— that he would sign a document 他得签署一份文件, upholding the rights and privileges of all free men, 保障全体自♥由♥人的权利和特权, but ultimately limiting the power of the monarchy. 这实际上几乎剥夺了国王手中的权利。

 Make it count. 别磨磨蹭蹭。

 The Magna Carta was sealed at Runnymede 公元 1215 年 6 月 15 日, on the 15th of June in the year of our Lord 1215. 《大宪♥章♥》于拉尼米德签字盖章。

 It will be remembered throughout history. 从此载入史册。

 What is not remembered is what King John did next. 然而约翰王接下来做的事,却鲜为人知。

 Sire? 陛下? Sire? 陛下? It"s time. 他们来了。

 Hyah! 驾!

 Hyah! Hyah! 驾!驾!

 England welcomes you. 英格兰欢迎你。

 Does the Pope hold his word? 教皇会遵守诺言吗? Oh, now have faith, Captain Tiberius. 提比略统领,请你稍安勿躁。

 His Eminence is waiting to hear you hold to yours. 宗座本人也希望你信守诺言。

 The Church will stay out of your lands, you have his word. 教会不会进入你的领地,他是这么说的。

 We"ll get your country back. 唯陛下马首是瞻。

 What say you? 来者何人? Abbot Marcus. We seek shelter from the storm. 修道院长马库斯。乞借贵地,暂避风雨。

 Open the gates! 打开城门!

 Come and help. 过来帮忙。

 What business do you have here? 你们来这儿干什么? Our business is with God at Canterbury. We need only shelter. 我们去坎特伯雷为教会办事。


 Shelter you shall have. Food also. 那就歇下吧。还有吃的。

 You treat the Lord"s servants well. 主的仆人感谢您的款待。

 You wear the mark of the Templars, yet you carry no swords. 你衣服上有圣殿骑士的标志,为什么不带剑。

 These men have no more need to fight. 这些人不用再舞刀弄剑了。

 Templars masking their faith and travelling without swords. 圣殿骑士心怀信仰,赤手空拳上路。

 How noble! 多么虔诚!

 As God is our witness, Baron, these men have nothing to hide. 男爵,上帝作证,这些人没有什么可隐藏的。

 Abbot, save your benedictions. The Templars fought against the King. 院长大人,别在这满口玄言了。


 Now you sleep in a king"s castle. These men have plenty to hide. 这会儿又住进陛下的城♥堡♥里。


 You there. What say you? 那个人,你说呢? They say nothing. They hold vows of silence. 他们不说话。发誓保持沉默。

 Templars without tongues. Very well. 不说话的圣殿骑士。


 Just be gone by the morning. 天一亮就走吧。

 Back inside! 回屋去!

 Marshal. 马歇尔。

 When I accept guardianship over men who take the vows of silence, 我同意,监护你们这几位发了誓言、保持沉默的人, I"m also informed of what led them to me in the first place. 当时他们把你们寻求监护的原因也告诉了我。

 I know the Templars placed a heavy burden on you. 我知道骑士团让你们背负沉重。

 I know you"re deeply scarred. 内心深处创伤尤巨。

 The cross on your tunic 你外衣上的十字 is a symbol of your faith in God"s will. 象征你忠于上帝的意旨。

 It should not be full of the torment it now bears upon your soul. 但不是它让你的灵魂日夜煎熬。

 When we arrive at Canterbury, 等我们到了坎特伯雷, I"m requesting your leave from the Order of the Knights Templar. 我会为你请♥愿♥,脱离圣殿骑士团。

 Garrison men! 准备战斗!

 King John! 约翰陛下!

 Men, to the gates! It"s the King! 守城的注意!


 Open the gates for the King! 打开城门,迎接陛下!

 Psst! 嘘!

 Marshal, did you see royal colours? 马歇尔,你看见皇家旌旗了吗?

 Is that your hand, Darnay? 字是你签的,达尔奈? Forced, Your Highness. 陛下,我身不由己。

 The barons threatened my life, forcing me to sign it and betray you. 他们逼我签字,背叛陛下,不然会要我的命。

 I know the feeling. 我尝过那种滋味。

 Hang him! 吊死他!

 This insanity must cease. 得制止他胡作非为。

 Open the door. His quarrel is not with us. 把门打开。


 If you three stand before the King, there will be nothing but death. 如果国王发现你们三个,你们只有死路一条。

 What good fortune, Darnay. It seems you will have your last rites. 达尔奈,你可真不赖。


 My Lord, Templars. 陛下,请听我说。

 He"s travelling en route to Canterbury with Templars. 他带着圣殿骑士去坎特伯雷,路过这里。

 To what do I owe the pleasure of the Church visiting my castle? 是什么事能让教会光临的我城♥堡♥? We were in the storm, sire. Baron Darnay granted us your hospitality. 陛下,我们途中遇上大雨。


 We? My fellow priests. 我们? - 同行的教士。

 Ah, yes, I heard.

 啊,我刚听见, Templars. 圣殿骑士。

 Sire, we entered your castle as unarmed men. We seek no fight. 陛下,我们进入您的城♥堡♥,但都没带武器。不是寻衅来的。

 Are you aware, Abbot, 你还记得,院长大人, that your kind stood at Runnymede and forced my signature, 你们在拉尼米德结伙强迫我签字, and now you sleep under my roof? 现在你又睡在我的卧榻上? Your Highness, we travel to Canterbury 陛下,我们只想去坎特伯雷, with simple articles of faith. 没有别的意图。

 I ask your mercy that we may pass. 请您开恩放我们过去。

 And I will grant you the same mercy 那我就像教会和男爵们 that the Church and the barons of this country bestowed unto me. 曾经对我那样,开恩于你。

 "Do unto others", isn"t that right, Abbot?

 “请君入瓮”,是这么说的吧,院长大人? Tiberius! 提比略!

 Don"t let him go! 别让他跑了!

 Ride! 冲出去!

 There is worth... 人之一死…… every death. ……必不枉然。

 And I will see it now in yours. 你的冤仇我为你报。

 ou saw the King? - Yes. And he saw me.

 你见到国王了? - 嗯。他也看见了我。

 Mm. 呣。

 I didn"t imagine that even he was capable of such cruelty. 真没想到,他居然能够翻脸无情做出这么残忍♥的事。

 Abbot Marcus was the finest of men. 马库斯院长堪称人中之杰。

 Tell me, why did he request that you leave the Order? 你知道吗,他为什么代你请♥愿♥,让你脱离骑士团? Your Grace, I did not wish to be dismissed. But that"s not what I asked. 法座,我不想让骑士团开除我。

 - 你没正面回答问题。

 You were in the Holy Lands? 你去过圣地吗? Hm. Some men have returned from defending our faith 有些人去圣地捍卫信仰, only to find themselves questioning it. 回来以后却对教会产生怀疑。

 Now you must ask yourself, Thomas... 托马斯……如果让你扪心自问, what is in your heart? 你现在在想什么? Rebellion or revenge. 反抗还是报仇。

 I suppose it makes no difference as the King has the devil in his. 既然国王这么狂悖,反抗和报仇有什么区别。

 I don"t care if he"s talking to the Pope! I have to see him now! 他跟教皇本人说话也没什么!我现在就要见他!

 And as we speak of the devil... 我们要谈的,是这种邪魔…… My Lord Archbishop. 主教大人。

 They told me about Darnay.


 We took John at his word... 我们听信约翰的话…… and now he raises a bitch"s army with God"s teeth. 而他却以上帝的名义纠结起一伙强盗。

 I"ll bow to no king with piss for blood! 居然会有这种混♥蛋♥君主!

 Baron William de Albany, Brother Thomas Marshal. 威廉·德·奥尔巴尼男爵, 托马斯·马歇尔教士。

 Brother Thomas comes directly from Darnay Castle. 托马斯教士刚从达尔奈的城♥堡♥回来。

 You must forgive our Baron, his tongue is not always so profane. 别介意男爵的话, 他也不是每句话都那么不干不净。

 Now, you should know that Rome sides with the King. 你想必知道,罗马教庭站在国王一边。

 And the Pope would bless what the King did to Abbot Marcus? 国王杀了马库斯院长也会得到宗座的庇护? More or less. 很有可能。

 I am to be excommunicated for writing Magna Carta. 《大宪♥章♥》是我起草的,所以教会要开除我。

 How long have we got? God knows. 命令什么时候到达? - 谁知道。

 Your Grace, this... 法座,不能…… ..king... must be stopped. ……再让国王……无法无天。

 I cannot, in all honesty, ask you to fight, Thomas, 实话说,我不能命令你去干什么,托马斯, but if you choose to take up your sword, you have my blessing. 但是,如果你拨剑而起,会得到我的祝福。

 It"s a good omen. 开局不错。

 God is with us. 上帝保佑我们。

 Prince Louis has an army may be persuaded to join us. 路易斯亲王有兵有将,可以请他帮助我们。

 Asking the French for help - 向法国人求援—— that"s cursing the blind for the wicked. 岂不是以暴制暴。

 If John takes the Dover Road to London 如果约翰沿着多佛大道去伦敦, he has to cross the Medway here at Rochester. 肯定从这里跨过梅德威河,罗切斯特。

 I"ll seize Rochester Castle. 我去占领罗切斯特城♥堡♥。

 Delay them. That"ll give you time to negotiate with the French. 挡住他们。争取时间让你跟法国人谈判。

 We have no force to fight the King. 我们手上没有军队。

 I have a few men I can count on. 我能招集几个人。

 Absolutely not. Suicide is a sin in the eyes of the Church, Baron. 以教会评判,自杀算不上是罪过,男爵。

 Your Grace, I"m afraid I only see one thing. 法座,我想说一件事。

 From Rochester, the King is able to dispatch his troops and supplies 如果国王占领罗切斯特,仍然可以向全国 all over the country. 调遣军队和给养。

 It is his keystone. Without it we will not stop him. 这是中枢要害。


 All my sins to this. 那就孤注一掷吧。

 May God protect what we are about to do.


 Guy! 盖伊!

 Squire! 侍卫!

 I want you to ride back. 你回家去吧。

 No. I know how to fight. 不。我也会打仗。

 You see how he talks to me? 你听见他对我说的了? Have you ever killed a man, squire? Eh? 你以前杀过人吗,侍卫? 嗯? Then you will learn, it is not a noble thing. Not even when it"s for freedom? 那就慢慢学吧,不是什么有趣的事。

 - 为了自♥由♥,也不行吗? Not even when it is for God. 为上帝本人也得腥手污脚。

 Hah! 驾!

 Look at you! 你这小子!

 Any one of you throws a turd or a bean, I"ll get you! 谁敢朝爷乱扔脏东西,爷饶不了他!

 And you know I will! Yargh! 爷说话算数!妈的!

 Where"s the butchers? Over there. 宰牲口的在那儿? - 那边。

 I"ll remember your f...

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