



 哈啰 山姆 - 哈啰 马蒂 Hello, Sam. - Hiya, Marty. 你弟弟礼拜天结婚了 是不是马蒂 Your kid brother got married Sunday, huh, Marty? 对 玛沙丽太太 这是一件好事 That"s right, Mrs Fusari. It was a very nice affair. 是那个有胡子的高个子么吗 - 不 那是我另一个哥哥叫佛莱迪 The tall fella with the moustache? - No. No, that"s my other brother Freddie. 佛莱迪在四年前结婚了 他住在韦伯大道 Freddie got married about four years ago. He lives on Webb Avenue. 礼拜天结婚的这是我小弟尼基 No, the one who got married Sunday is Nicky. 我以为他是又高又胖的那个 我不是有次在这里见过么 I thought he was a big, fat fella. Don"t I meet him here one time? 又高又肥又壮的 还向我推销保险 A big, tall, fat fella, tried to sell me insurance. 不 那是我妹妹玛格丽特的丈夫法兰克 Oh, no, that"s my sister Margaret"s husband Frank. 玛格丽特嫁给了这个保险推销员 Margaret married the insurance salesman. 我妹妹罗丝嫁给了一个经纪人 And my sister Rose married the contractor. 去年搬到底特律了 They moved to Detroit last year. 我另一个妹妹弗朗西丝两年半年结婚 My other sister Frances, she got married two years ago 在布里奇大街的圣约翰教堂嫁给多瓦 in St John"s Church on Kingsbridge Avenue. 这是一件好事 Oh, that was a very nice affair. 我看看 一共是一元七角九分 玛沙丽太太 Well, let"s see now. That"ll be $1.79. How"s that with you, Mrs Fusari? 好的 Well... 马蒂 请快点好吗 - 下一个就轮到你 甘德斯太太 Hey, Marty, I"m in a hurry! - You"re next right now, Mrs Canduso. 你什么时候结婚呢 马蒂 你真该难为情 When you gonna get married, Marty? You should be ashamed of yourself. 你的弟弟妹妹们都已经结婚而且有孩子了 All your brothers and sisters younger than you. They get married, they got children. 我遇到了你妈妈 她问我 有没有适合马蒂的好女孩

 I meet your mother. She say to me "Hey, you know a nice girl for my boy Marty?" 你怎么回事 总这样也不是个办法 你怎么回事 What"s the matter with you? That"s no way. What"s the matter with you? 玛沙丽太太... - 你得赶快结婚 听到没有 Mrs Fusari... - You get married, you hear? 玛沙丽太太 甘德斯太太她... - 我儿子弗兰克在十九岁就结婚了 Mrs Fusari, Mrs Canduso"s in a... - My boy Frank was 19 when he married. 你是怎么回事 - 那太好了 What"s the matter? - That"s swell. 你真该为你自己难为情 You should be ashamed of yourself! 马蒂 给我四磅的肥肉... - 好 Marty, I want a pullet, about four pounds. - Sure. 我听说你的小弟结婚了 - 对 一件美好婚姻 I hear your kid brother got married. - That"s right. It was a very nice affair. 马蒂 你真该难为情 Marty, you oughta be ashamed of yourself. 你的弟妹们都结婚生子了 All your kid brothers and sisters married and got children. 你到底什么时候才结婚? When are you gonna get married? 巨人队没救了 The Giants are gonna wind up in the cellar! In the cellar! 路易 听听看道奇队如何 Hey, Lou, turn on the Dodger game. 怎么样

 - 美♥国♥佬♥赢了 What happened? - Yanks won both. They murdered "em! 被痛杀 有全垒打吗 Any homers? Whoo! 那会里昂和我坐在吧台上 这两个女孩也来了 So anyway, Leo and me, we"re sittin" in the bar and these two girls come in. 安吉有没有来 - 来了 Angie come in yet? - So they come to the bar... 安吉 要喝酒吗 - 好 Hey, Ange, you want a beer? - Yeah, I guess so. 我看到了另一个人... - 嘿路易 So I look over at the one next to me... - Hey, Lou. 哈啰 马蒂 - 哈啰 罗夫 Hiya, Marty. - Hiya, Ralph. 我在告诉他们里昂和我遇到两个护士的事情 I"m tellin" these guys about two nurses Leo and me picked up in a joint.

 路易 给我两瓶酒好吗 - 马蒂 让我给你们讲讲这两个护士 Hey, Lou, let me have two beers. - So let me tell ya about these two nurses. 快看这个 - 怎么办 嗯 Man, oh, man! - How about that, huh? 是什么 乔 - 路易 把电视关掉 What you readin", Joe? - Lou, turn the set off! 他们不该这样子卖♥♥杂♥志♥ - 想想对青少年的影响 They shouldn"t sell magazines like this. - Imagine the effect it has on adolescents. 真是不可思议 Now, that"s something, huh? 竟然这样说一个女孩 - 你怎么长这么大的 I went out with a girl like that. - You should live so long! 里奇 美♥国♥佬♥队今天连下两球 Hey, Richie, the Yankees took two today. 嘿 马蒂 Hey, Marty. 马蒂 里昂和我今晚要和那两个护士约会 你知道么 Hey, Marty, Leo and me, we got a date with these two nurses tonight, you know? 但我们必须先带他们去别处 你知道我的意思么 So we gotta take "em somewheres first, you know what I mean? 但我现在现金不足 我... So I"m hard up for cash right now and I... 我还欠你十元是不是 I owe you ten bucks already, don"t I? 我去找别人好了 I"ll find it somewhere else. 嘿 嘿 里奇 Hey. Hey, Richie. 那个叫拉尔夫的小子 整天泡妞还叫穷 That Ralph, boy, he"s always got girls but no money. 再见 拉尔夫 - 再见 乔 See ya, Ralph. - See ya, Joe. 今天晚上要去那里? So, what do you feel like doin" tonight? 我也不知道 安吉 你想作什么 I don"t know, Ange. What do you feel like doin"? 周末之夜总得要作点事吧 Well, we oughta do somethin". It"s Saturday night. 我不想又和上周一样打保龄球 I don"t wanna go bowlin" like last Saturday. 我们一个月前看电影遇到的那个高大的女孩如何?

 Hey, how about callin" up that big girl we picked up in the movies a month ago 切斯特影院 up in the RKO Chester? 哪一个 - 坐在我们前面的那一个 Which one was that? - That big girl that was in front of us 她和一个比较瘦的朋友在一起 - 对 对 with the skinny friend. - Oh, yeah, yeah. 她叫玛丽芬妮 我们还带她们到布鲁克林转了 Her name was Mary Feeney. We took "em home all the way out in Brooklyn. 如何 打电♥话♥给她 我请那个瘦的 What do you say? Think we oughta give "em a call? I"ll take the skinny one. 也许她已有约会 安吉 - 那也不要紧 反正没损失 She maybe got a date already, Ange. - What can we lose? 不是这样 是并不想打电♥话♥ I didn"t like her. I don"t feel like callin" her up. 那你今晚要作什么 Well, what do you feel like doin" tonight? 我不知道 安吉 你想作什么 I don"t know, Ange. What do you feel like doin"? 又推回来了 我问你今晚要作什么 We"re back to that, huh? I say "What do you feel like doin" tonight?" 你又问我今晚要作什么 You say back to me "I don"t know. What do you feel like doin"?" 我看最后是到你家喝酒看电视 Then we wind up sittin" around your house with a couple of cans of beer. 我已告诉你我想作什么 I"ll tell you what I feel like doin". 我想打电♥话♥给玛丽芬妮 I feel like callin" up this here Mary Feeney. 她喜欢你的 She likes you. 你为什么这样说 What makes you say that? 她的眼神表示她喜欢的 - 好吧 Man, I could see she likes ya. - Yeah, sure. 打她电♥话♥吧 - 你要叫她你自己去打 安吉 我不想 Call her up. - You call her up yourself. I don"t want to. 到 72 街去怎么样 Well, how about goin" down 72nd Street? 去看看那里有什么 See what we can find down there?

 老天 你真是婆婆妈妈 你知道吗 Ralph says you gotta beat "em off with clubs. Boy, you"re gettin" to be a real drag! 安吉 其实我每个周末夜都想找一个女孩 I been lookin" for a girl every Saturday night. 我已经三十四岁了 我只是厌烦了 I"m 34. I"m just tired of lookin", that"s all! 我也想找一个女孩 每一个人都告诉我结婚 结婚 I"d like to find a girl! Everybody"s tellin" me "Get married." 你以为我不想结婚吗 我自己也很想结婚的 我简直被逼疯了 Don"t you think I wanna get married? I want to. Everybody drives me crazy. 我不想破坏你周末夜的心情 你如果想去哪里 你去好了 我不想去 I don"t wanna wreck your Saturday night. You go somewhere. I don"t wanna go. 我老妈也是这样 她一直问我何时结婚 Boy, my old lady, too. Every word out of her mouth: "When you gettin" married?" 我妈也快把我逼疯了 My mother, boy, she drives me crazy. 那 So... 你今晚想作什么 what do you feel like doin" tonight? 我不知道 安吉 I don"t know, Ange. 你想做什么 - 哈啰 对 他在 What do you feel like doin"? - Hello. Yeah, he"s here. 马蒂 你妈来电&arts;话♥ - 我妈 Marty, your mother"s on the phone. - My mother? 他来了 费拉迪太太 He"s comin" now, Mrs Piletti. 马蒂 我要回去了 - 安吉七点半到我家来 Hey, Marty. I"m goin" home. - Listen, Ange, come on over about 7.30. 我们会想出点子来的 哈啰 妈 什么事 We"ll think of somethin". Hello, Ma. What"s the matter? 你的表弟托马斯和他太太维琴妮亚来了 他们等着见你 Your cousin Thomas and his wife Virginia, they"re here and waitin" to see you. 好 妈 我两三分钟后就回去 OK, Ma. I"ll be home in two minutes. 妈 告诉汤姆等一下 我也想和他谈点事 Listen, Ma, tell Thomas to stick around. I wanna see him. 好 你马上回来 好 OK. You come on home, huh? OK. 马蒂马上就回来了

 Marty"s coming home. 关于牛奶瓶的事是这样 我婆婆进了厨房♥ So what happened about this milk bottle was, my mother-in-law is in the kitchen, 一直在说教我 然后她说我乱花钱 she begins pokin" her head over my shoulder here and there. 我不会煮菜 不会带孩子 Then she tells me how I waste money, I can"t cook and I"m raisin" my baby wrong. 她把我弄得很紧张 害我把给孩子吃完奶的奶瓶打翻了 She got me so nervous I spilled the milk for the baby. 汤姆 你的母亲是我的姐妹 Tommy, your mother is my sister, but... 于是她说我打翻牛奶 她一直说我把牛奶溢出去了 So she says "You"re spillin" the milk." She kept talkin" about these drops of milk. 最后她把我逼疯了 我说 妈 你真想看我把牛奶打翻吗 Finally she got me so mad I said "Mama, you wanna see me really spill milk?" 所以我拿了一个奶瓶丢向门 So I picked up the bottle and I threw it at the door. 但我没丢向她 她一直借题发挥 I didn"t throw it at her. That"s something she made up. 她逢人便说我向她丢奶瓶 She tells everybody I threw a bottle of milk at her. 我并没有丢向她 I didn"t throw it anywheres near her. 后来我马上向她道歉 但是她却一直不依不饶... Anyway, I was sorry, but she ran out of the house and I... 我不知道你要我怎么作 如果可以的话 我今晚找她谈谈 I don"t know what you want me to do, but, if you want me to, I come and talk to her. 我告诉你 泰丽沙阿姨... - 让我来说 汤姆 Well, Aunt Theresa, we... - Let me tell it, Tommy. 好吧 OK. 泰丽沙阿姨 我们想请你帮个忙 Aunt Theresa, we want you to do a very big favour for us. 当然可以 Sure. 泰丽沙 你的家很大 Aunt Theresa, you got this big house here. 这里只有你和马蒂在住 You got this big house just for you and Marty. 我想也许汤姆的母亲可以搬来 和你们一起住 I thought Tommy"s mother could come and live with you and Marty.

 哦... - 我和汤姆的哥哥乔谈过 Well... - I talked to Tommy"s brother 我说 你让她和你住几年 他却说 不行 and I said "You gotta take her for a couple of years!" And he says "Oh, no!" 我知道我这样说不对 - 不 维琴 我知道你的感受 I sound terrible... - No, Virginia. I know how you feel. ...

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