



 见没见过一个带着博伊刀的家伙 I"m looking for a fella, carries a Bowie knife 刀柄上刻着一只眼睛 with eye wrote into the handle. 我没见过这样的人 I don"t know anyone like that. 痛死我啦!

 -Jesus Christ! 你要见过,我没准还能饶你一命 If you had, I might"ve let you live. 该死的赏金猎手 Fucking bounty hunter. 日你啊!

 Fuck you! 行了,够马喝了 That"s enough for the horses. 妈的 Shit. 米歇尔,马不见了 Michelle, the horses. 我们可以跟你一起去 - We could come with you. 跟你说了,我一个人更快 I already told you I"ll be quicker alone. 那把这水拿上 Well take this then. 不,这是给你和多里安的 No, that"s for you and Dorian. 别担心,我还会找些水 Don"t worry, I"ll find some more. 今晚前就把你的布朗尼找回来 You"ll be back riding Brownie by tonight, all right. 我保证 I promise. 嗨,先生,格林维尔还有金子 Hey, Mr., there"s still gold in Greenvale, 不信你看 have a look. 跟你换点水吧 You can have it for some water. - 史蒂夫 - 警长

 -Steve. -Sheriff. 两只棕色的,其中一只有 Two of them are brown and one"s a 白花斑 skewbald white-- 我知道你马长啥样,史蒂夫 I know what your horses look like, Steve. 你想我怎么办? What do you want me to do? 如果你能找威尔森兄弟俩谈谈... Well, if you went after the Wilson brothers-- 你认为汤普森偷了你的马? You think Thompson stole them? 这俩给他干活的 They work for him. 你刚也说了,等我们到那儿 Well, I thought you just said they were gone 他们早跑了 by the time got there. 我知道是他,警长 I know it was him, Sheriff. 史蒂夫,我知道你怎么看他 Steve, I know how you feel about the man. 我知道,你觉得你有一些大胆的猜想 I know you think you"re making some pretty wild assumptions there. 但是,现在牲口这么紧张 I mean, what with the livestock shortage 想偷的人也不少,对吧? could"ve been anyone, right? 他不是想要我的牲口 It"s not the livestock he"s after. 他是想要我的地 It"s my land. 跟你说过他一直骚扰我 I told you he"s been harassing me 而你依旧无动于衷 and you still continue to sit there. 你... You... 我需要这些马,警长 I need those horses, Sheriff.

 我需要它们犁地 I need to plow my land. 为什么? Why? 最近他妈五年下过雨么? Has it rained in the last five goddamn years? 今年会下的 This year it will. 因为上帝决定了? "Cause God decreed it. 是的 Yes. 听我说,史蒂夫,你是个农民,对吧? Listen, Steve, you"re a farmer, right? 你就是要种地,我理解 Farming"s what you do, I understand that 但他既然要天价买♥♥你那块破地 but if he"s offering you this crazy kind of money 你干嘛不卖♥♥呢? for that piece of shit land, why don"t you just sell it? 离开这鬼地方呗 Get the fuck outta here. 走远点再买♥♥块地 Buy another piece of land far, far away. 从头再来,没多少人有你这机会 Start over. Not many people get that opportunity. -我不想从头再来 -I don"t wanna start over. 上帝又给了我们一次机会 God has given us another chance. 我们可以过回淘金热之前的生活 We can go back to what we were before the gold rush. 当农民 Farmers. 我现在每天犁地,自从... I plow the dry earth every day since-- -下雨了再说 -When it rains. 怎么了? What? 你最好自己来看

 Better see for yourself. 我想想我怎么办 I"ll see what I can do. 我在这等你 I"ll be right here. 随你便 Thought you might. 乡亲们有啥事? What can I do for you, folks? 奎恩回来了,警长 Quinn"s back, Sheriff. -噢,奎恩. - 是的 -Oh, Quinn. -That"s right. 你向我们保证过,他不会再骚扰我们 You gave your word he weren"t gonna bother us no more. 他骚扰你女儿了? And did he bother your daughter? - 没有,但是... - 看上去我说到做到了 -No, but-- -Well, it looks like I kept my word. 你为啥不做点什么,警长? Why don"t you do something, Sheriff? 我说过不做什么了么? Did I say I was not gonna do something about it? 你们做好你们的事,我会做好我的 Now you people do your job and I"ll do mine. 可以吧? All right? 下次有啥事想跟我说 Next time you have something to tell me 来几个人就可以了,不用把全镇人都拉来 a couple of you will do not the whole goddamn town. 走吧,散了 Now, go on, get outta here. 你们听到警长的话了,散了吧 You heard the Sheriff, get moving. 已经给过奎恩最终警告了 That"s Quinn"s final warning. 所以,怎么办? So, what"s the plan? 让这些人知道,他们的钱没白花 Plan is we"re gonna earn the paycheck these people provide us with.

 我也去,对吧? I"m coming too, right? 不行 Nope. 拜托,警长,我可以跟... Come on, Sheriff, I can be just as good-- 新警员只服从指令,从不质疑 New Deputies do not question orders, they obey them. 明白了么? You understand? 明白了吗? You understand? 明白 Yes. 所以你该怎么做? So what you gonna do? 等候下一步指令 Wait for further orders. 对了 That"s right. 将来一定能当个好警长 Make a fine Sheriff one day. 如果没死太早的话 If he"s not dead 你能做到的,孩子 You"ll make it, kid. 汤普森先生 Mr. Thompson. 这个能炸出三米深的坑 This"ll blast you a hole 10 feet deep. 这个能炸到六米深 This will get you down to 20. 再深就只能靠矿工挖了 But the miners will have to take it from there. 这里早就没有矿工了 There are no miners here anymore. 弗朗西斯,我需要一直炸到底 Francis, I need to get all the way to the center of the earth. 靠我自己 On my own. 噢

 Ooh. 这是德国制♥造♥的炸♥药♥ These are from Germany. 鬼见愁 Soluble nether 比硝酸甘油更稳定 They"re much more stable than nitroglycerine. 如果跟苯混合呢? How does it react with benzene? 跟苯混合,能让你见到魔鬼本尊 - Mix it with benzene and you risk meeting the devil in person, Sir. 那我全要了 Then I"ll take all you got. 这是不是压力平衡器? Isn"t that a pressure balancer? 好眼力,先生 Very good, Sir. 需要插♥进♥血管里 Works with blood interfusion. 这真好用? Doesn"t it really work? 我不敢肯定 I can"t say for sure. 世上仅有两把 There"s only two in existence. 而另一把的主人,已经不在人世了 And the man I sold the other one to is no longer with us. 哇噢 Wow. 左轮手♥枪♥的原型 The original mother. 1833 年诞生于意大利撒丁岛 Created 1833 in Sardinia. 基本可以确定 In all probability, 这是人类历史上第一把左轮手♥枪♥ it"s the first revolver in human history. 我的一点心意,请笑纳 My gift to you. 不,弗朗西斯,这我不能要 No, Francis, no I can"t accept that.

 真心的 Please. 您和您的父亲是我最早的客户 You and your father were my very first clients. 很多人还不信我时,你们就一直支持我 You trusted my merchandise when many wouldn"t. 我非常荣幸 It fills me with enormous joy. 当你下次再来时, When you come back this way, 我要把你的马车贴满金子 I"m gonna decorate your entire wagon in gold. 这次嘛... -In the meantime... 嘿,威尔森先生,把那两匹漂亮的马牵过来 Hey, Mr. Wilson, go fetch those two beautiful horses 我们昨天从那农民家弄来的 we got from the farmer yesterday. -我的回礼 -My gift to you. 然后,炸♥药♥需要多少钱? Now, what do I owe you for the explosives? 噢,奎恩? Oh, Quinn? 嗨,奎恩? Hey, Quinn? 还记得那条蛇的故事么? You remember the one about the snake? 跑回自己窝里,却被别的蛇干掉了 Goes back to his lair, gets killed by the other snake. 给他点时间 Give him time. 看他还能坚持多久 See how he wants to check out. 老天,麦考伊,我宁愿挨枪子也不愿在这干晒 Christ, McCoy, rather take a bullet then stay out here in this heat. 咱们赶紧把事办完 Let"s just do what we came to. 你是警长还是我是警长? Are you the Sheriff or am I? 我说啥时候行动,啥时候再行动

 We move when I tell us to move. 你个... - You piece of... 你♥他♥妈♥是谁?奎恩呢? Who the hell are you? Where"s Quinn? 噢,奎恩 Oh, Quinn. 因强♥奸♥和谋杀被三个郡通缉 Wanting for rape and murder in three separate counties. 就是那个 That"s the one. 他在这里面 He"s in here. 你又是谁? And who might you be? 我是红色比尔 I"m Red Bill. 红色比尔 Red Bill. 只拿脑袋比较轻一些 The head weighs less than the body. 当心点警长,如果你弄坏了他们的脸 Careful, Sheriff, if you disfigure those faces, 你还怎么辨认? how are you gonna recognize "em? 我为啥需要辨认他们? Why would I wanna recognize "em? 因为确认完你就可以付我赏金了 So you can pay me the bounties you owe on "em. 你开玩笑呢,是吧? You gotta be kidding me, right? 不,这是法律规定 No, that"s the law. 赏金令上写了,死活不限 These warrants, they"re wanted dead or alive. 那哪条法律写了你可以到处砍人脑袋? And where"s the law that says you can walk around the country, chopping people"s heads off. 这些可不是好人,警长 These aren"t good people, Sheriff. -你就是了? -And you are?

 我还没做犯法的事呢 Well, I haven"t done nothing illegal. 所以你可以告诉你那俩伙计 So you might tell your two boys here 不用拿枪指着我了 that they can lower their weapons. 我们这儿不欢迎赏金猎手 You know we don"t like bounty hunters around here. 尤其是妨碍我们执法的 Especially ones that get in the way of us carrying out our duty. 所以我建议你拿着你那包,不管是啥玩意,不要再... So I suggest you take your face and you stink and whatever that is in your bag and... 我事儿已经办完了 Well I"ve already got what I came for. 我说清楚了没,先生? Do I make myself clear, Mister? 你做你的事,警长 You do your job, Sheriff 我做我的 and I"ll do mine. 你这个疯子,别再到我地盘来 You keep your crazy ass outta my jurisdiction, 听到了吗? you understand? 狗♥日♥的♥ Son of a bitch. 来吧 Come on. 天 Well. 噢,妈的 Oh, shit. 都记住这一点 Be clear about one thing, all right. 是我们干掉了奎恩 We killed Quinn. 明白了么? All right? 明白 Yeah. 亨利,你把这清理一下

 Henry, you clean this mess up. 我俩先回镇上 We"ll head back to town. 你很得意是吧? How proud do you think you"d be? 偷我的马 Emptying my stables? 砸我的工具,毁我的地 Destroying my tools, raising my fields? 你到底想要啥? What do you want? 我不会走的 I"m not leaving. 上帝作证,我绝不会把地卖♥♥给你,汤普森 As God is my witness, I"ll never sell to you, Thompson. 赫根也是 Hagen won"t either. 格林维尔大部分土地已经是我的了 Most of the land in Greenvale was mine already. 至于赫根,他迟早会放弃抵抗,你也是 As for Hagen, he"ll give in soon and you will too. 只是个时间问题 It"s just to matter of time. 然后我会得到金矿,而你会直到渴死 Then I"ll have the gold and you"ll die of thirst 还在等上帝降雨 waiting for your God to make it rain. -已经没金子了 -是么? -The gold"s all gone. -Is that right? 五年前就挖光了 It was gone five years ago 然后街上就开始血流成河 just before the streets started running with blood. 我们已经忘了我们的本来身份 When we all forgot what the hell we were. 农民 Farmers. 老实人 Decent people. 咱们脚下藏着条巨大的矿脉 The great vein is beneath us here somewhere.

 -根据我的测算 - 什么测算? -According to my calculations -What calculations of those? 什么测算能让你阻断河流,制♥造♥干旱 The ones that made you divert a river, ...

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